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Metropolitan Thames Valley (MTVH) welcomed Will Quince MP, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Family Support, Housing and Child Maintenance on a visit to one of its successful employment programmes in East London.
The visit coincides with Communities that Work week, led by Give Us a Chance (GUAC) – a consortium of social landlords helping people into work, of which MTVH is a member.
The employment programme, ‘Transform and Achieve’, is a free scheme delivered by MTVH, with support from JP Morgan.
It is open to East London housing association residents of all ages who are out of work with the aim of supporting them into employment, training or volunteering.
The programme is said to be based on a holistic model, providing employment training, alongside coaching in mental wellbeing, nutrition and fitness.
Since the programme’s launch last year, more than 200 people have participated in Transform and Achieve – including 106 referrals via Jobcentre Plus, with almost 100 participants said to have found a job after completing the programme.
The programme is led by MTVH, which is working in collaboration with other housing associations to deliver it – including Peabody, Swan, L&Q and Poplar Harca, who provide free venue space across east London.
On his visit, Will Quince MP, said: “At the Department for Work and Pensions, our Jobcentre Plus work coaches treat customers as individuals, not numbers.
“And the transformative impact of this tailored approach is something they see regularly.
“Similarly, Transform and Achieve programme coaches are making a huge difference, helping residents grow in confidence, understanding what obstacles they have in their lives.
“Metropolitan Thames Valley is listening carefully to what their residents need and aspire to, and – as evidenced by the positive early results of Transform and Achieve – they are delivering services and solutions that bring about change.”
Geeta Nanda, CEO of MTVH, added: “We’re proud of the positive impact Transform and Achieve is having on people’s lives – and we were very pleased to host the parliamentary under-secretary today and showcase the programme.
“As a housing association, one of our key purposes is to empower people and give them the chance to fulfill their potential.
“We know that we can deliver even more in this respect by establishing innovative partnerships with a wide range of different organisations – so we’re pleased to be working alongside JP Morgan on the Transform and Achieve programme, and look forward to its continued success.”