Aviva and Socius to develop £1bn south London cancer research hub This item was originally published on this siteAviva and Socius have been selected to develop a £1bn, world-leading cancer research district in Sutton, south London. c.chern2023-10-02T17:25:20+01:00October 2nd, 2023| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXLinkedInEmail Related Posts Far East Consortium sells Hornsey Town Hall in north London to AMTD for £47m Places for London and Helical win consent for 430-unit Southwark PBSA tower Freehold London lots help Strettons raise £14.1m at February auction Buccleuch Property snaps up London Soho mixed-use asset for £14m Khan sets out infrastructure plans with potential to unlock 57,000 London homes