M&G agrees JV with Nomura on £200m West End office scheme
M&G Real Estate and Nomura Real Estate Development (NRED) have agreed a joint venture on The Fitzrovia, a £200m office-led scheme on Tottenham Court Road in London’s West End.
M&G Real Estate and Nomura Real Estate Development (NRED) have agreed a joint venture on The Fitzrovia, a £200m office-led scheme on Tottenham Court Road in London’s West End.
Cadogan, owner of the £5bn eponymous family estate around Chelsea, London, has announced the appointment of Sarra Pardali as its new head of sustainability.
Former Greystar executive Adam Tutka has joined Thriving Investments, formerly known as PfP Capita, in the newly created role of director of capital markets, based in London.
Valor Real Estate Partners has secured a £64m debt facility with BGO for the development of a last mile logistics estate in Beckton, East London.
The Housing Ombudsman has launched a special investigation into three social landlords in London following rising maladministration rates.
Boots’ US owner is reportedly considering a £7bn listing on the London Stock Exchange in a renewed effort to shed the business.
The government is bringing forward its target to move 22,000 civil service jobs out of London to 2027 with the announcement of three new second headquarters in Aberdeen, Darlington and Greater Manchester.
Housing secretary Michael Gove has approved two brownfield schemes comprising 2,150 homes in Hounslow, west London, even though they were initially rejected by the inspector.
The City of London approved a record number of retrofitting planning applications in the Square Mile in 2023 as landlords prioritise more sustainable, grade-A offices.
Indian billionaire Adar Poonawalla has agreed to pay £138m for a mansion in Mayfair in London’s most expensive home deal of the year.