Howard Kennedy Expands Real Estate Offering
London law firm Howard Kennedy has appointed Jason Tann as a partner in the real estate practice.
London law firm Howard Kennedy has appointed Jason Tann as a partner in the real estate practice.
London law firm Howard Kennedy has appointed Jason Tann as a partner in the real estate practice.
Related Argent has agreed a £243m loan with ICG Real Estate for the delivery of a build-to-rent (BTR) scheme in Tottenham Hale, north London.
The development company planning to revitalise one of London’s largest remaining undeveloped brownfield sites, Cavalry Barracks near Heathrow, has gone into administration.
A mile-long network of secret tunnels 40m underground is set to become a unique tourist attraction under £220m proposals for an ambitious commercial development underneath London.
Social media giant Meta’s payment this week of £149m to British Land to surrender the lease it had agreed for 1 Triton Square in London’s Regent’s Place has divided opinion on its potential impact on landlords.
Comer Homes is appealing an order to tear down two Woolwich tower blocks in south London after Greenwich Council accused the developer of flouting the approved planning permission for the scheme.
Opportunity London, a public-private partnership established to win investment for the capital, has appointed Jace Tyrrell, former chief executive of the New West End Company, to lead its £100bn-plus investment drive as its first chief executive.
Landsec has told investors that occupier demand for prime office space has “remained strong” since its last year end on 31 March.
Colliers has appointed Joseph Mishon to the new role of head of flex and management solutions in its London office.