Shaftesbury Capital to sell £100m-plus sale of Fitzrovia portfolio
Shaftesbury Capital has instructed CBRE to sell the group’s Fitzrovia assets in London for in excess of £100m, according to reports.
Shaftesbury Capital has instructed CBRE to sell the group’s Fitzrovia assets in London for in excess of £100m, according to reports.
Shaftesbury Capital has instructed CBRE to sell the group’s Fitzrovia assets in London for in excess of £100m, according to reports.
Singapore-based developer Perennial Group and development manager Stanhope are planning to submit reworked plans to build the City of London’s tallest tower.
British landlords could lose more than £3bn if WeWork, London’s biggest private occupier, collapses.
Luxury health and fitness club operator Third Space has acquired three new locations in London and is set to open clubs in Clapham Junction, Richmond and at The Whiteley in west London.
China has shelved plans to build a new ’super’ embassy in London at the old Royal Mint near Tower Bridge.
Flexible workspace provider Orega has completed a new management agreement with WTW to create a high-spec flexible workspace at 51 Lime Street in the City of London.
Barnet Council has acquired a 249-home affordable rent scheme from housebuilder Redrow at its flagship north London community.
Singaporean real estate investment manager CapitalLand Ascott Trust (CLAS) has acquired The Cavendish London hotel and Temple Bar Hotel in Dublin, and a serviced residence in Jakarta for a combined price of S$530.8m (£306.5m).
Singaporean real estate investment manager CapitalLand Ascott Trust (CLAS) has acquired The Cavendish London hotel and Temple Bar Hotel in Dublin, and a serviced residence in Jakarta for a combined price of S$530.8m (£306.5m).