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The National Housing Federation (NHF) have unveiled their new Tenant Advisory Panel, said to continue to guide and shape the groups ‘Together With Tenants’ work as it develops.
The panel, which represents a “diverse” range of housing associations tenants is due to meet for the first time today (9th May).
Together with the Centre for Public Scrutiny, an independent charity specialising in governance, the panel will advise, support and challenge the ongoing development of the ‘Together With Tenants’ work, with a range of insights and experiences.
The panel will also assess how the elements of the offer have been implemented at a sector level by examining evidence and information, making recommendations to the Federation based on evidence.
Following an open application process in May 2019, the panel includes two nominees from A Voice for Tenants Steering Group and the See the Person campaign.
The panel includes:
- Janet Boston; a previous county councillor and a social housing tenant for nearly 11 years
- Rev James Olanipekun; a previous pioneer member of the Housing and Diversity Network London Region steering board
- Joyce Ward; Chair of the resident and board partnership with Sovereign
- Ray Jones; a member of the Chartered Institute of Housing and a previous tenant board member of Liverpool Mutual Homes
- Kiera Winstanley; a member of Preston Community Gateways tenants’ committee and member of the A Voice for Tenants steering group
- Lizzie Spring; Previously training as a mental health social worker, Lizzie has also set up a social enterprise bring together women living on low incomes
- Neal Wylde; Previous Chair of an investigated panel to improve poor performing areas, making recommendations that would benefit both tenant and landlord
- Sharron Goodwin; Student social worker studying at Manchester Metropolitan University and working for Derbyshire County Council in their library service
- Stephen Johnson; Stephen helped set up Local Scrutiny Panels for tenants and leaseholders to scrutinise landlords as well as chairing the Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Local Scrutiny Panel
- Shelia Capuano; Sheila was educated at a grammar school with further education in between having her children, doing a variety of jobs, from factory to office work
- Joseph De-Ville; Living in four housing association properties with different providers, Joseph has worked on tenant boards, scrutiny panels and design panels
- Daisy Halford; Rooftop Housing Volunteer, involved in scrutinising many aspects of housing, including repairs, and aids and adaptations
- Valerie Oldfield; Voted in as a board member by residents for three consecutive terms, resulting in nine years on the board of her housing association, Valerie was part of the remuneration committee and was lead board member for resident involvement
- Matt Humphries; Matt has a strong interest in tenants’ voices being involved in decision making at the highest level within social housing
- Camella Norford; With a professional background in housing management consultancy, research, policy development and community capacity building, Camella has previously provided consultancy services to local authorities and housing associations across England
The panel are due to meet quarterly and will sit for an initial period of 12 months.