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Owning and managing more than 55,000 homes across London and the South East, Peabody becomes the latest member of Give us a Chance (GUAC), the consortium of social landlords who are rising to the challenge of helping people into work.
Over the past year, Peabody is said to have helped 1231 people into work, and provided employment support to over 2000 residents and the wider community, as well as their annual Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair helping job seekers to find employment.
GUAC currently works in partnership with a range of stakeholders to build influence around the housing and employment agenda, with the group commencing national Communities that Work week on 20th May.
The latest addition comes as Housing Solutions and Grand Union Housing also joined the network in April.
Speaking of their recent decision to join GUAC, Stephen Burns, Executive Director of Care and Communities at Peabody said: “Becoming a member of GUAC means that our employment and training offer will continue to go from strength to strength.
“Being able to draw on the expertise and best practice of the wider consortium will be an invaluable resource for our teams.”
Lynsey Sweeney, Managing Director of GUAC added: “We are delighted to welcome Peabody, Housing Solutions and Grand Union Housing to Give us a Chance on the eve of Communities that Work week.
“The work that these housing providers do to help people into long term and rewarding work is vital to creating thriving communities, and helping to sustain tenancies.
“We look forward to working with them to continue to promote the wider work that the sector does to invest in employment support and help people into work.”